: L U S T V E S S E L :
* LV#001: GAZE CAMPAIGN "Gestalt Bruise" CS w/Booklet
: e d i t i o n N i L :
* POLAR MOLDMENTOUS "Desperate In Nirvana" CS
* LV#001: GAZE CAMPAIGN "Gestalt Bruise" CS w/Booklet
* LV#002: KARASYOZOKU "Mischievous Sigyn 1923" CS w/Booklet
* LV#003: TONGUE KNAX "Sacrosanct Pearl Skin" CS w/Print
* LV#004: POLAR MOLDMENTOUS "Meat Chamber After All" CS w/Print
* LV#005: RHIZOME ANGLE NAKED CODA "Meteor Bones' Carnival" CS w/Insert
* LV#006: LEBENSFADEN "Die Vollendete Schönheit" CS w/Print
* LV#007: BURRIED MACHINE "Aoral Portion" CS w/Insert
* LV#008: GEOGRAPHY OF HELL "Sarajevo 1992" CS w/Booklet
* LV#009: POLAR MOLDMENTOUS "Forbidden Recitation" CS w/Print
* LV#011: TONGUE KNAX "Venus" CS w/2 Prints
* LV#012: JOEL DANIELSSON "The Death of the Grey Wolf / Resurrection of the King" CS w/Print
* LV#014: ARV & MILJÖ "Antropocen" CS w/Booklet & Print
* LV#015: PHURPA "Wal Phur Nag Po" CS w/Print
* LV#016: GRIM "Vital 1983-86" CS w/Booklet
* LV#017: GRIM "Divine Music for Sleeping + Field 1987" CS w/Booklet
* LV#018: KNÆKKEDE STEMMER "Andet Portræt" CS w/5 Prints
* LV#019: NETO "Énumération de ZAMVOLI / Mouille rêve de CARAVOLI" CS w/3 Prints
* LV#003: TONGUE KNAX "Sacrosanct Pearl Skin" CS w/Print
* LV#004: POLAR MOLDMENTOUS "Meat Chamber After All" CS w/Print
* LV#005: RHIZOME ANGLE NAKED CODA "Meteor Bones' Carnival" CS w/Insert
* LV#006: LEBENSFADEN "Die Vollendete Schönheit" CS w/Print
* LV#007: BURRIED MACHINE "Aoral Portion" CS w/Insert
* LV#008: GEOGRAPHY OF HELL "Sarajevo 1992" CS w/Booklet
* LV#009: POLAR MOLDMENTOUS "Forbidden Recitation" CS w/Print
* LV#011: TONGUE KNAX "Venus" CS w/2 Prints
* LV#012: JOEL DANIELSSON "The Death of the Grey Wolf / Resurrection of the King" CS w/Print
* LV#014: ARV & MILJÖ "Antropocen" CS w/Booklet & Print
* LV#015: PHURPA "Wal Phur Nag Po" CS w/Print
* LV#016: GRIM "Vital 1983-86" CS w/Booklet
* LV#017: GRIM "Divine Music for Sleeping + Field 1987" CS w/Booklet
* LV#018: KNÆKKEDE STEMMER "Andet Portræt" CS w/5 Prints
* LV#019: NETO "Énumération de ZAMVOLI / Mouille rêve de CARAVOLI" CS w/3 Prints
: e d i t i o n N i L :
* POLAR MOLDMENTOUS "Desperate In Nirvana" CS
* POLAR MOLDMENTOUS "Forbidden Recitation" LP w/Multiple Prints
: L E B E N S L I N I E K A S S E T T E N :
* LEBEN 002: ULTIMASTANZA "A Jewel In A Dunghill" CS
* LEBEN 003: LEBENSFADEN "Ein Sättigung Der Leere" CS
: L e b e n s f e d e n ' s s e l f r e l e a s e d :
* LEBENSFADEN "Besessenheit" CS
: S T I F F S A N C T O R U M :
* STIFF I: TONGUE KNAX "Maxim For Subjugation" CS
* STIFF IV: HEDONIC SERGE "Somatoscopy: Mode of Male Pleasure" CS
* STIFF V: ULTIMASTANZA "Total Preoccupancy In Pleasant Silence" CS
* STIFF VI: THE RITA "Dark Eye Makeup For The Stage" CS w/3 Prints
* STIFF VII: KAKERLAK "Among The Minutiae" CS w/Print
: t a t t r a s y a l a k S a N a m p r e s s :
* TLP-001: PARIJNA "The Age Of Scentless Imperiment" CS
: V I V A L A M O R T E ! :
* MORTE-ONE: ULTIMASTANZA "Corpse Talk For The Downright Passiveness" CS
: L u s t V e s s e l l i n e a g e r e l a t e d t i t l e s :
: L E B E N S L I N I E K A S S E T T E N :
* LEBEN 002: ULTIMASTANZA "A Jewel In A Dunghill" CS
* LEBEN 003: LEBENSFADEN "Ein Sättigung Der Leere" CS
: L e b e n s f e d e n ' s s e l f r e l e a s e d :
* LEBENSFADEN "Besessenheit" CS
* LEBENSFADEN "Ein Sättigung Der Leere" CS
* LEBENSFADEN "Ein Sättigung Der Leere" CS
: S T I F F S A N C T O R U M :
* STIFF I: TONGUE KNAX "Maxim For Subjugation" CS
* STIFF IV: HEDONIC SERGE "Somatoscopy: Mode of Male Pleasure" CS
* STIFF V: ULTIMASTANZA "Total Preoccupancy In Pleasant Silence" CS
* STIFF VI: THE RITA "Dark Eye Makeup For The Stage" CS w/3 Prints
* STIFF VII: KAKERLAK "Among The Minutiae" CS w/Print
: t a t t r a s y a l a k S a N a m p r e s s :
* TLP-001: PARIJNA "The Age Of Scentless Imperiment" CS
: V I V A L A M O R T E ! :
* MORTE-ONE: ULTIMASTANZA "Corpse Talk For The Downright Passiveness" CS
: L u s t V e s s e l l i n e a g e r e l a t e d t i t l e s :
* MORDANT KARMA "Devour" CS (White Centipede Noise)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Pundartugg - Argot Bruit" 2xCS (Styggelse)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "White Eye Of Winter Watching" 2xCS (Hospital Productions)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Angst" CS (Angoisse)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Eros" 4xCS Box (A Dear Girl Called Wendy)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "顛陣 (Ten-Jin)" LP (Urashima)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Resistance And Self-Destruction Are Synonymous" CS (New Forces)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Projekt Neue Ordnung II :" 4xLP Box (Tesco Organisation)
: C o v e r i n g p r o d u c t s m a n u f a c t u r e d b y L u s t V e s s e l :
* THE GEROGERIGEGEGE "1985 Unreleased Recording" CS (Eskimo Records)
- bonus tape for "Moenai Hai (燃えない灰)" CD released on Eskimo Records
- exclusively distributed via Lust Vessel Distribution
* GRIM "Discharge Mountain" CS (Eskimo Records)
- co-produced with Eskimo Records
- exclusively distributed via Lust Vessel Distribution
* TONGUE KNAX "Sarcomerge: Stiff Edition" CS (Trapeze Tapes)
* TONGUE KNAX "Thee Grand Fidelity" CS (Second Sleep)
* MORDANT KARMA "Profane Libido" CS (Trapeze Tapes)* MORDANT KARMA "Devour" CS (White Centipede Noise)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Pundartugg - Argot Bruit" 2xCS (Styggelse)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "White Eye Of Winter Watching" 2xCS (Hospital Productions)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Angst" CS (Angoisse)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Eros" 4xCS Box (A Dear Girl Called Wendy)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "顛陣 (Ten-Jin)" LP (Urashima)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Resistance And Self-Destruction Are Synonymous" CS (New Forces)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Projekt Neue Ordnung II :" 4xLP Box (Tesco Organisation)
: C o v e r i n g p r o d u c t s m a n u f a c t u r e d b y L u s t V e s s e l :
* THE GEROGERIGEGEGE "1985 Unreleased Recording" CS (Eskimo Records)
- bonus tape for "Moenai Hai (燃えない灰)" CD released on Eskimo Records
- exclusively distributed via Lust Vessel Distribution
* GRIM "Discharge Mountain" CS (Eskimo Records)
- co-produced with Eskimo Records
- exclusively distributed via Lust Vessel Distribution
: S e l e c t e d m a s t e r i n g w o r k s a t S a c r e d L u s t S t u d i o :
* TOUKASEIBUNSHI "Stratosphere Sound" LP (Art Into Life)
* JUN KONAGAYA "Travel" CD (Art Into Life)
* GRIM "Maha" 2xLP / 2xCD / 2xCS / DL (Steinklang Industries)
* VARIOUS ARTISTS "Found Secret" CD (777 was 666)
* JUN KONAGAYA "Memento Mori" LP / CS / DL (Steinklang Industries)
* FâLX çèrêbRi "Rite 64" CS / DL (Graf Haufen Tapes / Regional Bears)
: O r i g i n a l L u s t V e s s e l l i n e a g e i n o u r h e a d q u a r t e r s :
NOTHING but ...
Gaze Campaign, Hedonic Serge, Karasyozoku, Lebensfaden, Mordant Karma, Parijna, Polar Moldmentous, Thug-Ribs/Rhizome Angle Naked Coda, Tongue Knax, Ultimastanza, L.T.A., NxDx and Lily Vice.
We have no commitments or responsibilities of the quality for digital reissues/streaming services of the titles, except ones above listed also with DL.
All mastering/audio treatment works at Sacred Lust Studio are/were aimed on the official/original formats of each title exclusively.